Blind House Book Intro: A Guide for All Ages

Introduction Recording Notes:

Everyone is born into karma. Everyone is born into different situations there for their own spirit’s growth. Life is about learning to not be against the situations that we are placed in, but welcome them knowing the universe has put them there for a reason. That no situation is impossible if we know how to control ourselves, or let go and surrender.

I grew up privileged, but in an egotistical and semi-hollow way. Growing up with money I learned that it didn’t bring happiness and this early understanding gave me the ability early on to seek something else. I was essentially born into Christianity, through my family but also community. My theory is that if we have a past life that is dedicated to God and to the universe, when we are born we have a higher chance of making this reconnection early on in our lives. This connection to Christianity led me to learn prayer, but also how to surrender into being a servant to the universe from a young age.

My first piece of advice would be to not read this book if you want life to be easier. Many times when we start to talk to the universe and you start to do the work it will put you through a tougher life than you would have had otherwise. The big difference is that you will have eyes to see. And perhaps you can guide it into a way that you will take control of the path ALONG with being a servant in some way to the universe. I believe we are here to evolve and in essence this book is a way to potentially speed up one’s evolution through awareness of the metaphysics of this world. I will also say that this book is not about all metaphysics that exist, just the one’s that I have learned overtime and implemented into my own life to see if they are empirical or replicable or not.

Many years ago, society was not so caught up in purely finding a life of ease as much as we are now. I think that if one is living properly, it should never be truly “easy” and that if it is we are doing something wrong. If the universe is guiding one then there should always be higher mountains in the distance that eventually create a sense of newness and challenge. I aim to understand metaphysics and implement them in a way that makes my life more effective, not more easy. Occasionally when I am more effective the offshoot is more ease, but my aim is not ease itself. Understanding metaphysics means that one is doing work behind the scenes when they are doing work that can be seen. It is the way to work anonymously and meekly and succeed in creating a greater change that can’t be specifically seen or blamed on.

Reading this book will remove the concept of ease as the aim of life, but it will also hopefully show how to be useful to the divine plan in a more hidden way.

This book may also challenge the concept of a singular Messiah figure throughout history. How the ancient religions believed that saviors would come forever and there would never be a last. How Christianity’s modern approach of a monopoly on messiahs hurts the universe more than helps it. How it creates passivity and an aim for ease of life leading to an unknown after life that can never be proven. I think we have to remove the concept of a savior for all humanity, but promote the concept of saviors happening all the time. Some for small moments. Some for small communities. Some for countries. Perhaps there is never a savior for all humanity. Lastly, everyone has the ability to change themselves to be their own savior.

The Hindus have a great saying about finding God. They say if you want to find God, it is like a moon on a foggy night in a dark forest. The easiest way to find the moon is to look at a tree branch in between you and the moon. If you concentrate on the tree branch long enough, you will eventually see the moon and you can then stop concentrating on the tree branch. To me Jesus’s life was that perfect tree branch leading to the moon and God. But Jesus was merely that signpost, a great signpost, that showed the way and not necessarily God him or herself.

At the end of the day Buddha says great wealth is life without great problems. If this book can make great problems eventually go away, then this book can bring great wealth. If it makes great problems into small problems that can be overcome, then problems may eventually be seen to be here to help us become stronger. This may help people to be more content with their situation and if it’s working life will take those great problems and make them small problems. It’s not about removing problems, but getting to that comfortability that you can be stable enough to accept the problems and learn from them.

Faith is so important and you have to have it in yourself even if no one else does. The universe has faith in you and perseverance in what you are doing even if you don’t know what you are doing. There is always light at the end of the tunnel as long as you don’t give up.

The world evolves to be more difficult overtime and if we overcome the issue our souls will grow and evolve in some way. An important part of life is to find how to protect ourselves in the future by the decisions we are making in the present. Our ancestors were very concerned with the decisions they were making in the present because they knew their future would be safer if they did. Those who knew this survived and those who didn’t died. Our present lives are merely the result of every decision we have ever made in this life and our past.

This opens those up to who want to risk more to do so with understanding. It is not a purely blind walk. In essence we become co-creators. Through faith leads to understanding and living by metaphysics, which creates a new meaning to life, that can be felt and experienced. Perhaps there is no meaning to life except for what we make, individually and collectively. In some ways to me there can be objective meaning when we have objective understanding of how faith and metaphysics are intertwined. This helps to remove doubt in the universe’s divine plan and our part in it.

Our ancestors were concerned with war and battle and how to survive it. We lost that ancient teaching or necessity to learn metaphysics when seemingly technology eclipsed it and ease of life with technology became the overriding goal of humanity.

Our present moment is a direct result of our teaching from the past and if there are still problems then there has been a loss of comprehensive knowledge that can lead us out of the collective situation. We attempt to merely add to this repository of knowledge so that others that come in the future can also experiment and decide for themselves what is empirical or replicable from that which is not. The next life after death shouldn’t be our focus. We need to focus on this life right now that we can see before us, but with knowledge that our present moment decisions guide the eventual outcome as well. Many the more religions have become outcome based over living fully in the present as well.

The more that one can understand the principles of the universe, the universe will them put them in situations to test their knowledge and ability to in essence prove oneself. The more that one can handle “spirit work” the more the universe will give it to them… Hopefully one of the main points that the reader should come away with is that we should in essence look for those we don’t like and realize if there is something we see wrong in them, it is also something we see wrong within ourselves. They can also be a sign we must change something within ourselves to be able to handle any situation. A good sign is an ability to be around anyone, young or old, “bad” or “good.” One of our collective afflictions may that in our search for “ease of life” people totally forget to look for those who might make life slightly more uncomfortable for us for a time, but through intentional spirit work, even the toughest people will be “nudged” and transformed. The hardest thing is just knowing when to stay and when to leave. Through faith and prayer we will know when the universe wants two to separate after the work is complete. This will all be explained more in detail throughout the book.

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