Theatre Terms Year 0-1

Subjective – To be with personal perspective or opinion

Objective – to exist without necessity of personal perspective.

Lens on Life – a way to see or track our own progress or other’s progress.

To develop – the conscious choice to put aside immediate gratification of desires for the purpose of investing in oneself.

Investing in Oneself: Putting (investing) time in the now to increase the likelihood of a higher level of freedom, joy, and happiness in the future

To act / acting: To be consistently noticing reactions happening within to reach a reaction-less state. Know the difference between to notice and to observe. Noticing is instantaneous. Observation is continuous. Once a reaction is noticed, let it go and forget about it. Note) Not the same as “to perform”. Through this process, one becomes an “actor” or “actress.”

To play / playing: a state of mind beyond right or wrong, bad or good, that all events, especially unexpected ones, are merely funny.

To risk / risking: the conscious or unconscious choice to do something risky, in order to reach a fearless state. Repeatedly taking risks in any endeavor will transform any fear into a joy / desire.

To direct / directing: to help others understand and apply the three main concepts of theater.

To succeed: the process of accepting difficulties for the process of overcoming and making life or a task easier. Earned.

Protagonist: if one understands and applies the above knowledge they are a protagonist.

Antagonist: if one attempts to stop someone from understanding or applying the above knowledge they are an antagonist.

Unpredictable: the goal of learning the above is to become unpredictable. Unpredictable in life and on stage. If we are unpredictable we are no longer reacting, but acting. Being unpredictable is not knowing how we are going to be or act, which is also being spontaneous, on stage or in life. Beyond predictable / manipulatable. In the state of play, the most unpredictable and unexpected events are 1) most noticeable and 2) most funny, a la when something is instantly noticeable / funny it is also “memorable.” So to become unpredictable is to become “memorable.”

Memorable: Being easily remembered without trying to be.

To bond / to ensemble: By knowing and utilizing the above objective lens of life, we can learn to become authentic, unique, original individuals. We can also see others as authentic, unique, and original. When two individuals consciously or unconsciously see each other as authentic and unique, a bond will slowly form between the two. When a larger group of people are all “bonded” they are also “ensembled,” reaching a collective state of respect and beyond “ego,” where no one is more or less important than anyone else. Emsembling naturally increases the level of conduciveness of a classroom and school. An ensemble will provide support to all members of the ensemble for as long as any members of the ensemble are together and from abroad.

Conduciveness: the higher level of conduciveness, the higher the amount of development can occur.

Abrasive / Abrasion: To consciously or unconsciously be in a form that causes others to react. This allows those who are reacting from the abrasion to observe their reactions, once they understand how to act, and overall it increases the amount of progress that can occur. (Also known as defensive /defense)

Care / Caring: To consciously or unconsciously support another individual, spontaneously or overtime.
To be abrasive is also caring for someone just on a deeper level, helping them to make the choice to learn to act.

Open Mind: to be open to evolving one’s concepts or terms.

Closed Mind: to be closed to evolving one’s concepts or terms.

EZE 5/17/24 6:50 PM EST

Update 5/28/24 15:50

To dance: to live, to travel, to move spontaneously while being in a state of no worries by truly understanding that moment that nothing else must be done.

To make art (be an artist): to be abrasive or comforting by one’s existence in this way or that. To non-intentionally be, create, or do something abrasive or comforting that causes a reaction.

To be an artist is to be one that is aware of when art is consciously or unconsciously being created by themselves or others; A creator or observer of points of abrasion / comfort.

Points: products that objectively exist beyond one’s constant intent that may cause abrasion or comfort by their existence.

Even a Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day while Even a Toad Can Sometimes Make a Point

5/29/24: 23:30

6b: To listen: to be in a state of constant attention to what another is saying the entire time they are talking or making a point. To not be thinking about how one will respond until after the full sentence or statement is made.

To listen is to cleanse and purify naturally and helps to overcome our own ego’s desire to make a point when a point is in the process of being made.

To not think if we will like a song before or during the playback, but to wait and then respond after all parts are performed.

9b: Pride: to take excessive or any credit in the choice, decision, evolution, development or achievement of another individual.

Pride Motto:

“When one no longer takes credit for the understanding that others have of what they say or the evolution or path that another may take, they essentially BECOME cups that overfloweth. There is no restriction to the amount that other’s who participate in dialogue can drink, as there is no one between the cup and those with thirst.”

GRAFF Tag: “Be directors that overfloweth.”

And “Go get’ em.”


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