The Unrecognized Immanentizing the Eschaton

In today’s day and age, humans are born robots until they learn to become human and what that entails. I have dedicated my life to teaching people how to become human and it seems everyone just wants to stay a robot.  

We live in such a time wherein our society people are promoted by incompetence and non-achievement rather than its opposite. We live in a society where the reward for not rebelling all of one’s life is a “retirement” where one dwells in unhealthy inactivity for their remaining years like a cow put out to pasture at the end of its life.

The concept of the Christian afterlife of Heaven was created to make those who have done nothing their whole lives feel a bit better about themselves; that somehow they did not waste their whole lives waiting to die.

We live in a time where those who have fought in their own struggle to break free from the system and who can teach others how to break free as well are held back or hidden from society. If they cannot be killed, they will be silenced. These are the unrecognized.

If a robot goes on defending his slavery, the system of slavery, and his wonderful slave job, the system will reward that robot with a new house, a new car, a promotion, or even a future in politics. If one does not believe in the system of slavery and works against it, no matter how competent or achieving that person is, he will not be recognized as his ideas are antithetical to the only system in place; which is liberal capitalistic slavery.

It is time for a change.

I’ve done quite a bit in my life for someone who is not recognized. In comparison, in today’s day and age, thousands and even more are recognized in society for literally doing nothing. There has never been a time in history where the unworthy are rewarded with credit and recognition and the worthy are rewarded with slander and unrecognition.

I don’t remember the last time I was impressed with someone I met and come to think of it I don’t remember any time in my life were a true lasting deep impression was made upon me by someone else from a random meeting. 

This is not meant to be seen as self-pity. We live in a world where instead of our “leadership” recognizing talent, reaching out a hand and helping to mold that talent, the leadership actively suppresses talent and those who are worthy of rising in society. It is on a scale unimaginable to our ancestors. Perhaps some people in the world can identify with this feeling. To me it is one of the highest forms of suffering for an individual to go through. Especially for one who subsists on hard meaningless labor.

I think the most difficult thing in my life is or has been living with groups of people who in no way value the same things that are important to me. That is the crux of my suffering. Living with people with completely different values of what are important to me. Or what is important in general. I have never lived fully with a group with the same values as me. Perhaps the closest was a fraternity when I was younger and “unconscious”, where we all valued the same things, partying and women. Or later on in a monastery or meditation center where we all had similar taught values which we lived by, purification and spirituality. Other than that nothing comes close to containing the full set of values on a wide range that I have. One day I would like to see what this world, even on a local scale, looks like. 

I wish that my message could be heard and realized “quicker,” but I also see that is a fun part of the process, working so hard that recognition must eventually occur. I merely want to be recognized so that my message is not lost in the dustbin of history and to spread that message as so many individuals are needlessly suffering and torturing themselves because of ignorance propagated by the system and the entity which works against us. Furthermore, I would be upset if someone in the future took credit for the discoveries that I have uncovered in this life. The only way to not allow this to happen is to become known and recognized while still alive. 

I would say the greatest difference between my beliefs and the common Christian is that I believe we are already in Heaven, even though it also has the potentiality to turn into hell, which is not far off. God sits with me every day. We work together to prevent relative hell from coming to this earth, whereas content individuals wait on something beyond this world that perhaps does not exist. Another way to look at it is this. At the end of our lives, God will give us the choice to go to some eternal heaven or to come back here to continue to attempt to make the world a better place until we are comfortable leaving. Those who choose to go to heaven and not come back to help the world will not deserve heaven. Thus, this paradox automatically makes this world heaven.

Any world that natural law, metaphysics, and logos exist is essentially heaven. It means that it is absolutely perfect. It is only relatively imperfect. The ability to change the world relatively, but with a basis of absolute metaphysical precision, is a perfect world. The opposite would be pure chaos with no possibility for understanding or control, which to me is hellashish.

It is not anyone’s fault if they are content. Contentment is promoted as the goal and is actively allowed and pushed to happen in a liberal capitalistic society where total enslavement is the ultimate goal of that entity which works against us. The first line of defense of the system itself is to promote contentedness. We should be so far beyond contentment we have no conception of such an idea.

Fell asleep into a dream. I was in a theatre packed with people and many high ranking generals. In the end, all the generals rose as everyone was clapping. I rose too but realized it was only military men who were standing so I sat back down.

Many people are saying the US is destined for a civil war, but to be a civil war there would truly have to be something worth fighting for. And even more so, two opposing ideologies or perspectives worth fighting for. We don’t have this, nor do we have even one ideology that people would fight for. It is everyone against everyone. No one, that is known to society, is strong enough to start a side worth joining or opposing. This is the post-modern death of liberalism.

Must come up with a better word than the Devil. A different concept as the Devil is archaic. What is the opposite of consciousness that automatically and actively leads society in a certain direction that is not in it’s best interest?. Perhaps “that entity which works against us.”

I guess I just feel like the world has been built to just be ok. It’s the system itself that is built to just make us barely content enough to not rebel. Then it slowly heats up until we are all cooked. That’s what I am rebelling against. We should be content, but not with a system that masks its deficiencies by making us content. I guess I’m tired of just seeing a full society of merely content individuals.

Did the cow come from the buffalo? If so make the analogy of the buffalo running free, then captured, and pacified until it becomes the cow sitting in a fence waiting for food. That’s what humanity has become. We have to become buffalos once again, where all fear our thunderous stampede.

Metarchism is the fourth political theory. Metaphysical anarchism. In actuality, it is the pre-political non-theory and our true nature.

New speculations on solipsism, Dasein, and the battle against the entity which works against us.

Are natural laws and metaphysics set in stone? Or are they developed, spread, believed in, and then created? Do we design our own worlds or are we merely discovering the laws already in place slowly for eternity?

I’ve noticed that when my anger arises OR when my cravings for accumulations arise or more realistically “offerings of objects” arise, the world around me literally changes. It is a combination of the external with my internal.

Are those around me who are ignorant of dharma and metaphysics purely within my realm of existence of purification, etc.? Is this the origin of solipsism? Is solipsism or it’s theory not merely developed by someone who was singularly “in control” or singularly with “Dasein” in a given local area?

If true, in essence, there is no such thing as global solipsism unless there is only a singular individual aware of and in control of his or her purification faculties. If this were true, the object of this one’s life would be to impart their knowledge onto others to remove the solipsism, create duality and then multiplicity culture which would guarantee a future of unpredictability.

The main goal of the entity that works against us is to not only create global enslavement with no possibility of breaking free but also to create a completely predictable future, without the possibility of non-predicted events from occurring. The work of those who are against this entity would be to build a world where total enslavement is impossible, all beings would be completely free in all regards, metaphysically and physically, and to create a completely unpredictable world.

The beauty of this world is the metaphysical fact that a single being can quite literally “save” the world in a given time. There is no such thing as “the” savior in a singular historical sense. There are saviors throughout history, in our past and forevermore into our future. All past beings that were working with the same similar “goal” and were able to successfully pass on their knowledge would, in essence, be in or with a singular individual as the information of the past collective is imparted onto them.

Immanentizing the Eschaton


Purification is:

Fountain of Youth – Brings back youth

Holy Grail – Can heal your body, mind, and spirit

Spear of Destiny – Allows you to take your fate and direction into hand.


It is one thing however to control our own destinies and quite another to be knowledgeable about the “correct” direction that society should be heading. This is perhaps a bit more of a unique situation.


With this knowledge, we no longer need:


Environmental protection


To be consumeristic or materialistic.

A police force or prison system.

The list goes on.


No group of individuals can be defeated that understand these principles as it would fundamentally alter the potentiality for harm and death.

The fear that most people have of anarchy or no government is that everyone will go around killing each other. The knowledge of purification and metaphysics must be in existence for this state to come into effect. With this knowledge, only the ignorant will go around killing each other. Once people see a different way of life, and the supreme benefits, people will choose the better life…

“His disciples said to him, “When will the kingdom come?” Jesus said, “It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying ‘Here it is’ or ‘There it is’. Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it.” Gospel of Thomas 113



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